TestBench CS Online Help 2.7

HTTP Response Codes

Advanced » Rest API » HTTP Response Codes

The TestBench REST API uses several HTTP response codes. On this page, you can find their usage and intensions in the TestBench context.

2xx Success

200OKThe request has been successfully processed.
201CreatedBy processing this request, a new resource has been created.
202AcceptedThe request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
204No ContentThe request has been successfully processed, but there is no information to send back.

4xx Client Induced Errors

400Bad RequestThe server could not parse the request due to syntactic errors such as misspelled words or wrong formats.
401UnauthorizedYou tried to log in without valid user credentials. Each REST API method that uses permissions will attempt a login.
403ForbiddenYou have insufficient permissions to run this action.
404Not FoundThe resource you are looking for could not be found. Either the element you are looking for could not be found, or the URI you requested is invalid.
409ConflictAn essential condition to fulfill the given request is not met.
413Entity Too LargeYou tried to send a request body that is larger than the server is configured to allow. This may occur by sending a too large entity (e.g., an too big image).
415Unsupported Media TypeYou are using another media type than application/vnd.testbench+json.
422Unprocessable EntityDespite correct syntax, the request contains some semantically wrong values. That may occur by linking to non-existent IDs or using a list of values instead of a single value.

5xx Server Errors

500Internal ErrorThe server got into an unexpected state and could not process the request.

Response Model for a failure

Failure {
failureType (string)
"failureType": "NotFound"
This is the structure of the response model.